Italian Advanced Conversation - More Information

Our Objectives

  • To enable those who have a good grasp of the language to have the opportunity of keeping up their vocabulary and enjoy the opportunity of practising the language.
  • To meet in a relaxed social setting - usually a coffee bar/restaurant where we can get to know each other and chat over coffee or a light lunch.
  • To help each other by correcting grammar or adding new words - we are a small but diverse group with a large range of interests and experience between us.
  • However if the group expands we may be able to have the opportunity of using the services of an Italian lady who meets up with other U3A conversation groups.

Meeting Frequency

As agreed by our members.

Ability Level

Hai voglia di parlare Italiano? Siamo un gruppo piccolissimo, al livello medio/avanzato, che ci incontriamo circa una volta per mese per fare una chiacchierata molto informale -non c'e una lezione!  Se vieni con noi, sia sempre il benvenuto - provi puri!

Please contact Ann Whaley by using the Contact Form on the Main page if you can understand this and would like to join the group.

Group Size

We can accommodate more members in the group but will then restrict the numbers actually getting together at each meeting. Restricting the numbers who attend each meeting allows us to all get a word in edgeways! So, we will probably have more meetings in a month to help us manage the numbers attending any particular session.