Computing Group – Meeting Held on 14 September 2017

Meeting Content

Subjects covered:

  • General use of Internet Browsers
  • The Usefulness of YouTube
  • Password Management
  • Using Bookmarks
  • Basic Computing Skills
  • Resources Page of the Computing Group


This is the first time that we've created a page for the content of what we covered in our meeting.

Looking back we seemed to talk about a whole bunch of stuff!

In creating pages of past meeting content we are hoping it will be a way of:

  • refreshing the minds of those who attended with the content, and,
  • also allowing members of the group who didn't come along to know what we did talk about.

We hope the pages are useful!

A little detail on the meeting…


We discussed topics suggested by some of the fourteen members who came to the meeting. Clicking on the various links below will take you to a separate page on each topic so those who attended can refresh themselves on what we covered, and those who weren't able to attend can also benefit from knowing about the meeting content.

We have also built a page explaining how the internet actually works with a five minute video that talks you through the subject. It's very well written and it will help anyone to understand the concepts of the Internet.

On the Computing Group Resources page we are adding useful information and websites to help members improve and build on their computing skills.