Excursions & Outings

Excursions & Outings

Are you interested in joining the group?

Please use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page if you wish your details to be added to the Excursions Group List.  You will then be emailed with information about up and coming trips.

Group Convenors: Val Smith & Kate Trotman

Meeting place: Varies *

Meeting Day: Varies *

Time: Varies *

*Please see the MORE INFORMATION page

Group Size: No Limit

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Group Objectives
More information about the Excursions & Outings Group, and our objectives can be found here… click the button below:

Excursions & Outings Group Visits List
You can view the current list of visits by clicking the button below:

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Contact The Group's Convenor

You can contact us by completing the form below or emailing excursions@chalfontsu3a.org.uk

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