iPad Group
We are looking for a new convenor for this group, if you are interested please email groupcoordinator@chalfontsu3a.org.uk
Group Leader: TBC
Meeting place: CSP Community Centre (Misbourne Room)
Meeting Day: 2nd Wednesday of each month
Time: 10 am - 11 am
Group Size: No current limit
Vacancies: Yes
Our Objectives
- Share ideas
- Discuss iPad problems and questions
- To learn how to make the most of your iPad
- To develop your skill level, over time, to an advanced level
- To socialise and make new friends with likeminded people
Ability Level
We welcome any member who is keen to improve both their own skills with the iPad, and also to help others improve their skills as they learn more about its uses.
Are you interested in joining the group?
Please use the contact below to let the Group Convenor know of your interest. They will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can contact us by completing the form below or emailing ipad@chalfontsu3a.org.uk