London Walk – Clerkenwell – 21 November 2018

London Walks - Clerkenwell

The mysteries of Clerkenwell…

On Wednesday 21st November we had 81 members booked on our walk around the Clerkenwell area of London. Unfortunately because of various factors the numbers were depleted slightly, but the turn out was still excellent.

The pictures so far in this gallery are from Group B. If any member has pictures of their group then please send them to our webmaster who will add them to the gallery.

About The Walk…

We began in Paternoster Square, adjacent to St Paul's Cathedral. We then walked across Newgate St. and went into the Postman's Park. From there we meandered our way through various locations that included:

  • St Bartholomew's Church
  • Barts Hospital
  • Charterhouse Square
  • St John's Street
  • Clerk's Well

The walk took about two hours to complete and we covered less than two miles!

Many thanks to our Group Convenor for the day, John Hardwick, for his hard work and organisational skills to 'herd' us along the walk!


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U3a Londonwalk Clerkenwell November2018 3

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