We have three Pilates groups running now, one for beginners with little or no experience of Pilates and the other two are for people with some experience of Pilates.
There is currently a waiting list, so we are hoping to start a fourth group if there is sufficient interest.
If you are interested in joining the new group please use the form below to send a message to the group convenor.
If you would like more information about what is involved in being a Group Convenor click the button below...
Group Convenor: Lesley Bedford
Meeting place: CSP Community Centre
Meeting Day: Every Monday afternoon
Time: Depends on your group (see the Interest Group Schedule on the main Interest Groups page).
Group Size: 14 Maximum.
Vacancies: No
More information about the Pilates Group and our objectives here… just press the button below…

You can contact us by completing the form below or emailing pilates@chalfontsu3a.org.uk