Walking 2 to 6 Miles – More Information

Walking 2 to 6 Miles - More Information

If you want to walk longer distances then go and see our other Walking group… they go out regularly and do up to ten miles.

Walking2 6miles 3
Walking2 6miles 1

Our aim:

  • to provide the opportunity to enjoy a healthy walk through our wonderful local countryside, with conversation along the way.

Meeting Frequency

We meet twice every month, all year round. We vary the days of the week that we go out, giving all members of the group a chance to attend.

Length of The Walk

Our walks vary in length from 3.5 to 6 miles maximum. Some walks are more challenging than others. A description is sent out before each walk.

Walk Details

Invitations are sent out to the whole walking group prior to each walk, giving all relevant details.

Booking For Attending A Walk

Booking is required for attending each walk, allowing us to check that everyone has arrived prior to our departure.

Group Size For The Walk

The size of each walking group may need to be limited on some occasions, depending on how many of our group want to take the walk. However there is no reason why we cannot have more than one group of walkers, but it does depend on each group having a leader and a back-marker.

Group members are encouraged to lead walks to their own chosen routes if possible,with the back up of the convenors.

Lunch arrangements

Attending the lunch is optional. Also, some lunches need to be pre-booked through us. Each walk has a walk leader and a back-marker. Note: the walks are all pre-planned and are all circular. The walk start and finish at or near a pub.

Post Walk

The post walk optional lunch also allows the group to get to know each other.