Interest Group News 2023

Latest News from our Interest Groups & External Events (National U3A & TVN)

Posted on 10th May 2023


TVN - A new Summer Quiz for TVN Members
Friday, 2nd June, 2023 at 2.30 p.m. on Zoom
Quizmaster: Avis Furness
Participants will be randomly divided into teams

Closing date for applications is Wednesday, 31st May

This event is free of charge

Please book electronically by clicking on the TICKETSOURCE icon immediately below the event on This is by far the best and easiest option. You will receive an acknowledgment immediately and the Zoom link a few days before the event.
If you experience any difficulty, please email the organiser at giving your name and the u3a to which you belong.

If you have not received the Zoom link by midday on 1st June, please contact the organiser as above.

To receive notification of forthcoming TVN events as soon as they are published, please email

Posted on 23rd January 2023


TVN - The Great Exhibition of 1851 and its legacy
Tuesday, 7th February at 10.30 a.m. on Zoom

The closing date is Sunday, 5th February (No further applications after this date)

The fee for this event is £1

Please book electronically by clicking on the ‘TICKETSOURCE’ icon immediately below the event on This is by far the best and easiest option.
You will receive an acknowledgement immediately and the Zoom link about 48 hours before the event. If you experience any difficulty, please email the organiser David Morton at with your name and the u3a to which you belong.
If you have not received the Zoom link by midday on Monday, 6th February please email the organiser as above. Please do not wait until the day of the event

To receive notification of forthcoming TVN events as soon as they are published, please email