Webmail Help Page
Hopefully, this page will answer all of your Webmail questions! We will be updating the page as we progress using webmail. If you have any questions that are not answered here please use the Ask a Question form button below:
In order to access the webmail you will need a valid Chalfont's u3a email address and a password. These will be sent to you by the webmaster.
You can login to the webmail by clicking the Login to email button on the Webmail page.
You should then enter your supplied Chalfont's u3a email address and password. You should then see the webmail for your group.
Changing your password
We would strongly recommend that you change your password from the one that was supplied to you. You can change your password by clicking the Change your Password button on the webmail page.
Note: If you are the only convener for your group then you can now reset your password if you have forgotten it.
If your group has more than one convener and you have forgotten your password then use the Ask a Question Form on this page to request a new password. This request must come from the group convenors email address or a Committee member.