10th Anniversary of Chalfonts u3a

2025 will mark ten years since Chalfonts u3a was formed.

We must thank Jenny Brooke, Jan Sawyer and Sue White who made it all happen back in the summer of 2015. Since then much has happened and Chalfonts u3a now has a strong and flourishing membership and over seventy interest groups. None of this could have happened of course without the tremendous effort from convenors and the support from members.
The u3a is a self-help organisation that uses the knowledge and experience of its members to benefit all - providing a wide range of  opportunities to come together to learn for fun and to explore new ideas and skills. Chalfonts u3a has certainly achieved this.
Naturally, the committee will not let this important milestone go unnoticed. Planning has already started for ways to mark this ten  year anniversary and all members will be notified of the plans later this year