Noticeboard 2017
This page is in the original format and colours for historical reasons.
The Noticeboard is where we do our best to help you keep up with what's going on. It changes fairly frequently, so our advice is to look back regularly to see if there are new things happening that might catch your eye…
Some of the noticeboard items are time sensitive, so if you want to get involved you may need to act quickly. (They will be removed when the expiry date passes.)
A new Contact Form page has been created… do you have any accessibility issues?
If yes, then we want to help if we can. We have created a Contact Form for any member to let us know if they need help. Send us a message so we can find out your requirements. Press the button and it takes you to our Accessibility Contact page.
Flower Arranging Group
Our interest group for arranging flowers is now meeting in members' homes. Another example of their efforts shows how far they've come in such a short time.
In the picture on are Angela, Verlie, Tina, Jill & Pat.
July 2017 Monthly Meeting
Mike Payne
Our Guest Speaker, Mike Payne (on the left) gave us a fascinating talk on a stained glass window in the church at Arreton (St George's) on the Isle of Wight.
The window is dedicated to the Burma Star Association.
We will be putting up a full report on the talk as soon as we can for those members not able to attend. (Wimbledon and holidays got in the way!)
Back row: Chris, Gail, David, Tony
Front row: David (chair), Raymond, Mike
and Vanessa
Raymond Barrett, Burma Star Veteran
Flower Arranging Group
We now have a group for making the most of your cut flowers from your garden, or perhaps you've been given a bouquet that you'd like to display better than you do?
If so, this new group should help you to develop your flower arranging skills?
The Main page of the group and their Contact Form is below.
The Flower arranging group had their first meeting on 29th June 2017. They had a very interesting, informative and enjoyable first meeting when Deirdre Lacey came and gave them lots of information and tips. She has kindly agreed to come and help again and impart more of her knowledge on Tuesday 18th July 2017.
Learn To Speak & Improve German
Another language group is starting up. Even if you speak little or no German the Group Leader (Renate, below) is prepared to take beginners too.
If you want to find out more and register your interest there are links below.
Renate Danner
German Conversation Main Page
Excursions Group - Hever Castle
On Thursday 28th June 2017 the group took a coach to this lovely Kent Castle. Here are some of the pictures taken on the day.
(Thanks to Geoff Glover for submitting them.)
Hever Castle Group
Chalfont St Peter Feast Day - 24th June 2017
For the third year we had our display at the Feast Day.
The purpose of being at events like this one is to enable those who attend the show to be aware of our existence.
Despite having a strong presence in the area now, there are still a lot of eligible folk who don't know very much at all about U3A and what it does in the local community.
The day went extremely well and was very well attended.
The lucky winner was one of our members, Jeff Green. (Hope you enjoyed your champagne!)
The Prize Draw
We had our usual prize draw that attendees at the show could enter.
The prize was a bottle of champagne.
A Big Thank You…
Events like this one are organised by your committee. Our 'Really Useful Group' (RUG) help us with keeping the stand attended throughout the day. As members appreciate these events don't just 'happen', it takes a coordinated effort to make them successful.
The committee offer their thanks to members of the RUG for helping us once again with this event.
If you would like to join the RUG team (many hands make light work being the motto) then please use the Contact Form and let us know you would like to help. Thank you!
Excursions Group -
Visit to Brighton Pavilion
The group took a party of 50 members on their trip the house that Queen Victoria hated but her forebears loved!
The picture shows members who made the trip in front of the Pavilion.
The trip was very successful and the weather, by the look of that blue sky was all that was hoped for!
Brighton Pavilion Group
New Experiences - Another Great Afternoon!
Members of our New Experiences group had a very nice time in the rain riding around Black Park on their Segways!
The picture shows those who came along not being worried about the fact that April showers have transferred themselves to May.
They had a lovely time!
Find out more about the group at their Main Page. They are looking for more members…this promises to be one long adventure!
New Experiences Main Page
New Experiences Gallery 2017-2018
Summer Is Coming…
Mike Alderton, the Group Convenor, would love to have some new members for the group. So please get in touch with Mike and he will welcome you aboard!
Click the link to go to their main page to register your interest.
Lawn Bowls Main Page
Future England Internationals?
Our Lawn Bowls Interest Group had their first meeting of 2017 on Tuesday 16th May. Around ten members of the group came along to Chalfont St Giles Bowls Club to hurl a few balls down the very lush green surface.
Fortunately they didn't incur the wrath of the Head Greenkeeper and no damage was done! (No high heels when playing please. And that applies to the men too! ? )
Some of the members who turned out for a nice group photo:
Back row: Sue P., Mike (the Group Convenor), Sue F., Rachel, Angela and Norman
Front row: Tony, Pam, Candy and Jan.
Lawn Bowls Gallery Page
April Monthly Meeting
We've finally got around to putting up the monthly meeting report for April!
(Sorry, it's been a busy time!)
Our guest speaker was Sally Botwright, a blue badge qualified guide in London. Sally gave us an really enthralling talk on the history of the City of London.
The link takes you to the page for our full report on the meeting. (And thanks to Sally for writing it for us!)
March 2017 Monthly Meeting Report
The audience at the meeting giving Sally a warm round of applause for an excellent talk!
Bus Pass Adventures Interest Group
Dorothy Bowie, Group Convenor
Bus Pass Adventures Main Page
Annual General Meeting - 11 May 2017
We showed our annual review slideshow at the AGM.
Click on the link to watch the video.
AGM Annual Review Slideshow
Photography Group Visit To London
Some members of our Photography Group had a trip to London on Monday 24 April.
From the left: Alan, Jenny, Cathy, Margaret, David, Phil, David, Val, Carolyn and Robert. (Jenny, the 'second' David and Val are not members of the group but came along for the trip.)
The afternoon…
Our pm involved lunch in Brodie's Bar & Kitchen in Canary Wharf and then the photographers went off to see what they could capture.
The weather wasn't great and it was pretty cold. We ended up meeting back at yet another café before making our way home. A lovely day was had by all!
More info. on Canary Wharf
Gilbert & Sullivan - Special Day
The TVN Network are putting on a very special day for G & S enthusiasts in Harwell Village Hall (Oxon) on Wednesday 18th October 2017.
The day is being run by Bernard Lockett who describes himself as a lifelong Gilbert & Sullivan enthusiast. He has written 2 books on the subject and since 2005, has been a trustee of The International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival (now in its 24th year) based in Harrogate. He works with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company, which headlines the festival and then tours.
For the past 8 years, Bernard has spoken about G & S to various clubs and societies and has broadcast on BBC Radios 2, 3 and 4 and has appeared on the 'The Andrew Marr Show' on BBC1. The programme will be punctuated by excerpts of their works on DVD and CD.
Gilbert & Sullivan Application Form
Gilbert & Sullivan Information Flyer
Provisional programme for the day:
09.45 - 10.15 Arrival, Registration, Coffee
10.15 ‐ 10.25 Introductory talk
10.25 - 11.10 Gilbert & Sullivan ‐ historical backgrounds and considerations.
11.10 - 11.30 COFFEE
11.30 - 12.15 An assessment of G & S - what are they - Victorian Museum pieces or theatrical heritage?
12.15 - 1.45 LUNCH
1.45 - 2.45 A review of G & S in the 21st Century, production values and assessment of the worldwide popularity of the works.
2.45 - 3.00 Questions
3.00 - 3.30 TEA and Close
Italian Advanced Conversation Interest Group
Our fluent Italian speakers gather for tea, coffee, cake and then hold their conversation (yes, you guessed it) in Italian!
The meeting place on this occasion was at:
Pinewood Nurseries,
Wexham Street, Stoke Poges
SL3 6NB.
Usually, six members attend their regular meetings but only four were able to make it this time. The other two members were on holiday so they couldn't attend. Oh, the joys of not having a full time job!
(We hope those not able to attend were sunning themselves somewhere on a beach in Italy! Or taking in the sites and sounds of Rome, or Florence, or Milan perhaps?)
Italian Advanced Conversation Group Home Page
From the left: Rosanna, Ann (the current Group Convenor), Clare and Barbara. (The two members on holiday are Loles and Joanna.)
Computing Interest Group…
We have now found a member to lead the Computing Group.
Please visit the Main page of the group to register your interest in joining.
Computing Group Main Page
Old Time Music Hall Group
In March members of the group went along to entertain the residents of Rock House Residential Care Home… you can see a video of one of their songs and lots of other photos if you follow this link…
Old Time Music Hall Gallery Page
Excursion to Brooklands Museum - 20th March 2017
Our Excursions Interest Group took forty-two of our members to this museum on Monday 20th March 2017.
It was a very blustery day and the weather wasn't too good. Fortunately we could shelter a lot of time in the various exhibits! We had the opportunity to see lots of transport, from buses to iconic aircraft, motor cars, motor bikes, and bicycles.
We will be putting lots of pictures taken on the day up on the website soon.
New Picture Gallery Added - Excursion to Steam Swindon
On Wednesday 22 February our Excursions Group took a coach and fifty one of our members to see the wonderful museum of the railways in Swindon.
The set of pictures of our visit can be seen on the Excursions - Steam Swindon gallery page
We had a terrific day out and some members also visited the McArthur Glen Shopping Centre which is also part of the old Swindon Railway Works.
March Monthly Meeting
This month our guest speaker was Steve Capel-Davies.
Steve's talk was about life on our most famous river, the Thames.
The talk was received very well with the members attending - a record attendance for us - and covered lots of various topics in the life of the river, from it's leisure activities to work and other areas.
More About The Talk… The link will take you to a page that gives details of Steve's talk.
Link To Steve Capel-Davies' Talk About LIfe On The Thames
Monthly Meeting Archive Page
From the left: Doug (Art Practical Group Convenor), Jenny and Steve Capel Davies, Carole, Sheila (Theatre Group Convenor), Marian and Granville.
New Interest Group!
Our latest group to get off the ground is the Quizzers!
Many of us fancy ourselves as the next Mastermind or Brain of Britain champion!
Well, maybe not, but the Quizzers group is now launching and is looking for members to join. The idea is to be a member of a team that enters pub quizzes in the area. More details will be forthcoming in the next week or two, but if you would like to join then send your request to the Group Convenor… follow the link to the Main page.
Quizzers Interest Group Main Page
David Brodie - Cycle Ride Around Ireland
Some members may recall that one of our members did a long ride around Ireland last year to raise money for the charity, Mountain People.
David has now written a book about his journey and all proceeds from the sale of the book is being donated to this worthy cause.
You can order a copy directly from David by following the link and getting in touch with him.
Contact David Brodie Direct
Chalfonts U3A Newsletter Archive
Chalfonts U3A Newsletters
All of our newsletters since we started in March 2015 are available on the website.
At the top of the Main Header is a series of menus and the Newsletter archive sits between the Committee menu and the Suggestion Box menu.
The TVN have organised a day at Kelmscott, the summer home of William Morris, on Thursday 10 August 2017.
You can find out more about this event by clicking the buttons.
Kelmscott Flyer Information
Kelmscott Booking Form
Focus on our Table Tennis Group
One of our most popular groups is, as it used to be called, ping pong!
Sue, the Group Convenor, has worked hard to get a second booking at the CSP Leisure Centre and has now secured another slot for Wednesday afternoons.
The picture on the right was taken of some of the group members enjoying the company of their fellow members in between frantic sessions of hitting the little white (or yellow) ball across the net!
We will be creating the group's first gallery shortly, so look back to see them all in action!
February Monthly Meeting
Our guest speakers for February were Ken and June Brazier.
Their talk was about the work of Mercy Ships around the world, a charitable foundation formed in 1978 by American Don Stephens.
Elaine, Maureen (on the left) and Tricia and Dorothy (on the right) with June and Ken Brazier.
More About The Talk… Here are links to our Monthly Meeting Archive page and to Ken & June's talk.
Link To Ken & June's Talk about Mercy Ships
Monthly Meeting Archive Page
Don't get caught by scammers!
We've received a message from one of our members that the advice given in the Metropolitan Police document (link on the right) on scam fraud has helped an elderly parent from being duped.
More than three million people in the UK are victims of scams. They come in all shapes and sizes and we should be all on our guard against them.
No one is immune and it's best to read up and be prepared. These evil people are often plausible and they can be very persuasive. Even the most intelligent of us can, if we lower our guard, become possible victims. The two links here will help our members to be aware of the various types of scams and how to protect ourselves.
Met Police Scam Advice PDF
CAB Advice On Scams
- 17th - 20th July TELFORD
- 14th - 17th August CIRENCESTER
- 11th - 14th September CIRENCESTER
These events are always well attended so we suggest, if members are interested, that they apply as soon as possible.
National Summer Schools 2017
To find out more about the National Summer Schools Programme in 2017 we have created a link to the booklet that tells members more about what's on offer.
Press the link and it opens the booklet in a separate window or tab, depending how your own internet browser is set up.
National Summer Schools Information Booklet
Our Walking 2 to 6 Miles Group
This is one of our biggest groups. This is a photograph taken on their fortieth walk.
The members who went along walked from Seer Green to Chalfont St Peter.
This was a record turnout with 46 members braving the cold to get some exercise! 32 then had lunch together.
Well done to members who turned out!
And thanks to David Cooper for taking the photo.
If you want to find out more about the group click the link button and it will take you to their page.
Walking Group 2 to 6 Mile Main Page
National U3A Conference 2016 - Chairman's Report
Three members of your committee attended the National U3A Conference in August 2016. They were David Burbidge (chair), Val Smith (secretary) and Val Darbyshire (membership secretary).
David and the two Val's have written a succinct report on what went on at the conference and it's available for you to read here…
National U3A 2016 Conference Report
One of the speakers at the conference was Samantha Mauger. (She prefers to be called Sam.)
She is the new CEO of the National U3A. She took over from Lin Jonas in mid-2106.
We think it's nice to put a face to a name. ?
Robotics Is The Future…
Some of our members attended an interesting day at Oxford Brookes University on 23 November 2016. The day was about how the world is changing due to the development of robotics.
The idea behind the day was to let students studying at Oxford Brookes interact with older generations, so they could explain and share their knowledge.
You can find out more about the Inter-Generational Study Day by following this link…
TVN - Inter-Generational Study Day Report
The U3A celebrated its 1000th group in London on Tuesday 22 November 2016 and held a meeting at Friends House on the Euston Road.
Two photographs: one showing the programme and the other of Dr. Eric Midwinter, one of the founders of the UK U3A movement, with Pam Jones, the current Chair of our organisation.
Chalfonts U3A
Needs Your Help!
If we have LOTS of VOLUNTEERS for this self-help group we can set up a roster so that these small jobs don't fall each month to the same people.
More help = Less work
So, please let's have lots of members coming forward so we can divide the workload!
Thanks to those of you who put your names down for our "Really Useful Group" last month, the committee really appreciates your help.
Just to remind you - RUG is a list of members who are willing to help the committee organise events such as the AGM, stands at the CSP and CSG shows, socials and generally assisting such as putting out chairs at meetings and tidying up after events. There is a particular need for someone who could take responsibility for setting up the audio/visual equipment and dismantling after meetings - perhaps two people could take this on between them. We look forward to hearing from you!
Monthly Meeting:
- set up audio equipment
- help put out chairs
- help with tea/coffee on a rota basis so the same people don't do it every month
- putting equipment away at end of meetings
To borrow a slogan from that well known retailer, "every little helps!" Over the course of one year dividing these small tasks between us means the commitment will probably be no more than a few minutes perhaps two or three times a year. So please consider volunteering.
If you haven't yet volunteered, you can still do so by contacting Helen Whitlum by pressing the button below:
The button takes you to our RUG Contact Form.
Send a simple message like, " RUG - I'm happy to help…" and we will get back to you asap.
Globe Theatre - Theatre Group Visit
Our Theatre group had an excellent trip to visit the Globe Theatre on the Southbank on Friday 4th November 2016. We were split into two groups and this is around half of the party inside the theatre.
On the right there are two radio programmes produced by the BBC.
Matthew Parris, the journalist has a long running programme on BBC Radio 4, Great Lives. This edition, from Series 25, episode 5, is all about the life of Shakespeare. It was first broadcast on Friday 23 September 2011.
The other programme is by writer Iain Sinclair. He walks the streets of London in the company of Shakespeare scholars and archaeologists, to seek out echoes of Shakespeare's city in the London of today. The programme was first broadcast on 4 September 2000
More About The Globe Theatre…
Our guide, Jeremy Sheffer (third from the right in the picture) gave us a splendid talk on both Shakespeare, and how the theatre worked four hundred years ago and how it works today.
He also explained Sam Wanamaker's involvement in the project of rebuilding a replica of the theatre.
Great Lives - William Shakespeare
Radio 3 Programme About Shakespeare
(Pressing on either button will open up the link to the programmes in a separate window or tab, depending on how your browser is set up).
Our Music Hall Group sang for two half-hour sessions for a group of Age Concern clients at the Gerrards Cross Memorial Centre on 31st October.
Nine members of the group were on the stage in period costume and it all went down very well. At the end of each session the audience showed their thanks for the performance.
The Age Concern lady supervisors were also very appreciative!
The Music Hall Interest Group Performing For Age Concern UK
Focus on: Music Hall Singing Interest Group
To find out more about our Music Hall Interest Group Performing click the button above which takes you to their main page.
Did you go on the trip? Do you have any pictures?
If you do then please send them to the Webmaster so they can be included in the set for other members to see. Thanks!
The Whole Set Of Malhamdale Photographs With Both Slideshows
Trip To Malhamdale - more photos added and a second slideshow is now available…
Our Walking groups made the trip to the north Yorkshire Dales during the second weekend of October 2016.
As we all know the Yorkshire Dales is an area of outstanding natural beauty, and those members who made the trip tell us they had a lovely weekend.
The London Walks Group
This is a popular group and has established itself very well this year. Initially around 80 members joined the group but the latest count is that this is now standing at around 155 members.
If you're interested in finding out more then go and see their Interest Group page…
ose who like to blow things up (only kidding!) but did you know there is a dedicated Science Network in the U3A?
Our First Year - Slideshow
The slideshow that was shown at the AGM in May 2016 is now available to view by following this link.
Tuesday 13th September 2016
Excursion to Eltham Palace
We had a great day out at Henry VIII's childhood home, which was later extended in the 1930s by the Courtauld family and made into a bit of an Art Deco palace! Click the button below to go and see a video we've made of the visit, with music to stop you falling asleep! (Turn the volume up!)
Go To Excursions & Outings Gallery Page
Are you interested in walking and getting some moderate exercise in good company?
Nigel Trotman, our convenor for the Walking 2-6 miles group, is happy to take more of our members into the fold. It's one of our most subscribed groups and the walks happen every couple of weeks. To find out more, go to his page… he's detailed their next walk which is happening on 29 September.
Walking 2-6 Miles Interest Group
Can you convene a group?
The life blood of any U3A are the Interest Groups. You don't have to be an expert to lead a group, but if you have an interest that you'd like to pursue then it's up to all of us to make a bit of effort to get an idea off the ground.
You can make your own contribution to our U3A by finding out more. Visit our Group Convenors page and there's information there that my help you. (Link below.)