Committee News

Committee News

Posted : 2nd May 2023

Co-opted Committee member

John Krushner joined our Committee in April 2023 as a co-opted Trustee. John will be focussing initially on our future development, and on getting to know our groups and members by coming along to visit some interest groups.


Posted : 24th July 2022

Committee Post AGM Meal

Our Committee went out to celebrate Val Smith and David Burbidge becoming joint Presidents. At Yaprak in Chalfont St Peter

Cu3a Committee Meal 2022

Posted : 20th July 2022

AGM 2022

We held our 2022 AGM on the 20th of July 2022.  This was a hybrid meeting with around 50 members in the hall and 73 members watching on Zoom.  Following the meeting, tea and cake were served to the attending members.

At our recent AGM, the Chair introduced all members of the committee. Here’s a recap of Jane’s speech:

The committee (composed of trustees) is responsible for overseeing our u3a - making sure we act legally and comply with the rules of the Charity Commission. That’s the easy bit - there is a lot of guidance and advice out there to help us. The bit we spend more time on is making sure our u3a is working well. The Trustees have three main

  • Creating an open and welcoming organisation with a friendly ethos and outlook
  • Delivering value for money for our members
  • Making sure we continue to have a wide range of interest groups which are
    available for people to join.

That’s what we try to do! We’re all volunteers and we work as a team it’s very rewarding contributing to such a dynamic organisation

During the meeting the following voting took place:

Approve Minutes of AGM held on 21 st July 2021
Approve the Accounts for 2021/22

Approve the appointment of Jeff Coteman as Independent Examiner
Election of Co-Presidents
Val Smith and David Burbidge - Proposed by Jane Barker and seconded by Chris Hardwick
Officer continuing in an officer role standing for re-election as Chair
Jane Barker-Chair - Proposed by Sue Fisher and seconded by Sheila Tarrant
Committee member standing for election to the office of Vice-Chair
Eileen Powell - Proposed by Trish Hart and seconded by Cheryl Spriggs
Officer continuing in officer role standing for re-election as Secretary
Chris Hardwick - Proposed by Anna Flint and seconded by Trish Hart
Committee member standing for election to the office of Treasurer
Chris White - Proposed by Carolyn Edwards and seconded by Sue White
Committee members continuing in office standing for re-election
Gary Tomlin; Lesley Bedford; Geoff Clegg  - Proposed by David Edwards and seconded by Chris Franklin
New Committee members standing for election
Christine Hillis; Maureen Green; Val Darbyshire; Vince Barker - Proposed by Cheryl Spriggs and seconded by Tony Davies

You can view the meeting recording on the member's page, click this link