Meeting Content
Subjects covered:
- The file and folder structures of Windows OS and the Apple Mac OS
- Bits/Bytes/Kilobytes/Megabytes etc. set out in a table.
- How to find how much data you've used on your hard drive
- Explanation of cloud storage
- The benefits of cloud storage
- Cloud providers services available and their comparative costs
- How to get started with Google Drive
Below is a link to a short video that explains how Binary Code works.
Content not covered in Gary's presentation…
- Binary Code
The link on the right to the two videos will help you when looking at the chart in Gary's slides that shows you all about bits and bytes and kilobytes and megabytes and gigabytes on and on and on…until your brain begins to hurt at the thought of the size of the numbers. 🙂
Please watch the two videos that explain how binary code works as it will help you understand the table that Gary has put in his presentation, and then come back to look at the slides he put together.
Details on the meeting…
Gary gave a talk on how the file and folder structure in the Windows OS and the Mac OS work.
He then explained about the technical aspects of what makes up 'bits and bytes' and used a table within his presentation to show their sizes. Finally he talked about Google Drive and cloud storage systems that allow you to back up your files and folders remotely on the various servers that are available, and showed the costs of buying such storage.
The presentation slides Gary used are accessible to members and will open up in a new window/tab depending on how your on preferred browser is set up. (It is a pdf document and has none of the animations of the Powerpoint sildes he used.)
Those who weren't able to attend can also benefit from knowing about the meeting content. You do not have to be a member of the Computing Group to do this.