French Fluent – More Information

French Conversation Advanced - More Information

Our Objectives

  • Increase our vocabulary
  • Improve our pronunciation
  • Learn about French culture, politics etc
  • Meet together as a friendly support group

How we work

  • We meet fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons throughout the year
  • Meetings are hosted in our own homes, based on a rota
  • Our reading and translation homework for each meeting is selected by the host from a bi-monthly magazine in French for anglophone readers, "La Vie Outre-Manche", which contains articles on a wide variety of interesting subjects
  • We previously used another book, "Read and Think French" which is intended to increase French fluency while learning about culture,
    traditions, history, travel, and gastronomy in French-speaking countries.
  • Our conversation topics cover a wide range of subjects.
  • We read and discuss books by French writers such as Georges Simenon and Patrick Modiano
  • We have a full complement of members who have all been in the group since its inception in 2015