Theatre Trips – More Information

Theatre Trips - More Information

Our Objectives

  • To offer members the opportunity to visit the theatre within two hours of Chalfont St Peter
  • To provide a comfortable way to get to the theatre by coach
  • To enjoy great days or evenings out and to socialise with fellow members


How bookings are handled

All members on the Theatre Trips List are emailed with full information about each trip, along with a booking form.

Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis as they are received by the Administrator.

Payment For The Theatre Trip

All theatre trips we organise have to be self-funding. Therefore payment for the booking is up-front in full. This ensures that we do not incur any losses.

Reserve List

Once a trip is 'full' we place members names on to the Reserve List. If a member who has paid for their booking then withdraws their booking, we will automatically contact members on the reserve list to take up their place.


Refunds Policy for Cancelled Bookings

As you will appreciate we cannot guarantee that we can make refund/s unless we are able to find a replacement.

However, whilst we don't want members who book and then find they have to cancel for any reason, we have to be strict on refunds in such circumstances.

Where we can find another member to take someone else's place, we will always ask them to pay for the cancelled place, so that the original person making the booking can receive a refund. Any refund is dependent on the Administrator finding someone else to take up the cancellation.

Therefore refunds cannot be guaranteed if members have to cancel for any reason.

Booking Procedure

The Group Administrator will take your initial booking and your place on any trip will then be confirmed by email.

Our Theatre trips have proved to be very popular with our members and we do recommend that if you wish to join a trip then you act promptly on receipt of the email to avoid disappointment.

Note: All members are required to bring their Chalfonts U3A membership card when on a trip.