Walking - Strollers
Update - September 2023
Members of the Strollers turned out a week ago for a walk around Denham Park. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t kind to us on this occasion, but we all enjoyed getting out in the fresh air. The park was rather empty which was good as we could all enjoy hearing the birds. We stopped for coffee and cake at the café and, of course, a natter.
If anyone would like to join the group, we meet roughly once a fortnight, on various days of the week and walk at the slowest person’s rate. We do try to choose a flattish route, but obviously, this is not always possible.
Our next walk is organised for 18 September over at Burnham Beeches. Please email strollers@chalfontsu3a.org.uk if you are interested in coming along. Kate Trotman, convenor.
Group News
Click the button below to find out the latest news about the group...
Group Convenor: Kate Trotman
Meeting Frequency: Every 2 Weeks
Meeting place: Varies
Meeting Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Group Size: No current limit
Vacancies: Yes
Our Objectives:
- To provide less strenuous walks, usually, as far as possible, on the flat,and walking at a more leisurely pace.
- To provide a social aspect for members to meet new people and make friends.
Ability Level:
As long as you feel that walking at a leisurely pace is possible for you, the group is not focused on 'ability' but a willingness to participate.

Are you interested in joining the group?
Please use the Contact Form below to let the Group Convenor know of your interest. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can contact us by completing the form below or emailing strollers@chalfontsu3a.org.uk